Meet the founder - Surf Trip Supply

Meet the founder

Hey! I am Larry Flores, the 19 year old founder of Surf Trip. I founded ST when I was just 14 years old. I took $150 of Christmas money and learned how to make 10 t-shirts. I sold those to friends and family and all I really wanted to do was make cool t-shirts that I would actually wear. I didn't like what was out there so I decided to do something about it. It took 2 years of no sales for any breakthrough to happen. I trusted God and my videos began going viral. It's now almost year 5 of having my dream job and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Support my bedroom born brand today.
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Hey bro I just received the longboard Larry hat and it’s amazing just like I wanted I would give it a five star review keep going and keep doing what you are doing with god on our side everything is possible looking forward to getting more hats and shirts for summer😊

Jesus alnassar

Your apparel is sick bro!

Zoe Maddox Wright

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